Sincerely, Me: A Prologue

2 min readMar 28, 2022

The world of words creates wonders, let it be the poems spun with a thousand little emotions or the stories weaving in feelings that touch the heart even after years of their musings. The world of literature lives on, with or without their author, there to witness its greatness and it’s a wonder how literature makes its way into people’s hearts, in their highs and their lows. So will the words of a 21st-century girl make their way into a little crowd of people, and bring them joy, comfort, and solace? Maybe yes, maybe no but the satisfaction of getting your words out into a medium, ever existing just makes it better!! Doesn’t it??

There are various ways for someone to express their thoughts, some use the medium of songs, some the medium of cinema, some use dance, while some tend to write it down on a piece of paper, pouring down all the thoughts that seem to touch the shore of their thought process. They say the journey is more beautiful than the destination and honestly yes I agree and so is the journey of writing.

Emotions have a weird way into and out of our lives now. Don’t they!?? One moment you are happy and the very next second a sudden burst of sadness hits you like a train wreck out of nowhere…. It’s confusing but I guess that's what is life!! The uncertainty of the seconds that are gonna enter your life, the uncertainty of emotions that you will go through in a day, it’s all uncertain and that’s what makes it all more beautiful I guess!! Because what even is the thrill in life when everything is planned and laid out like a monotonous grid of a monotonous life?

Uncertainty is what perhaps drove me to write this piece of random thoughts put together without any connection to each other, just me writing down the impending thoughts in my centralized storage system called the brain and letting you read it after all, it’s you who are going to read through the flow of what my fingers typed as they went forward without waiting for the thoughts from my brain to come down to them.

It’s that beautiful connection that at present works between my fingers and my brain, both working together in complete silence, understanding each other’s thoughts without uttering a single word, unsaid coordination between them, thus resulting in this little peek inside my brain, giving out this piece of writing that I call “Sincerely me”, a journey into the thoughts of Thejasvi R!!

Until Next Time

Love ❤

Thejasvi R




Modern day romance : oversized clothing and the aesthetic board in your Pinterest profile